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Achieving a Hollywood Smile: Bournemouth Orthodontists Weigh In
When it comes to achieving a Hollywood smile, Bournemouth orthodontists have seen a surge in the number of patients seeking treatment in recent years. Social media may play a role in the increasing interest in dental procedures, but it’s important to note that having straight, white teeth is more than just a photo opportunity. A beautiful, healthy smile can have many benefits both physically and emotionally.

So, what does it take to achieve a Hollywood smile? Let’s dive into some of the most popular orthodontic treatments and what Bournemouth orthodontists have to say about them.


Braces are the traditional orthodontic treatment for straightening teeth. They come in many forms, from standard metal braces to more discreet options like clear or lingual braces. The length of treatment depends on the severity of the misalignment, but most patients wear braces for 18-24 months.

Dr. Julia Foster, a Bournemouth orthodontist, says, “Braces are a great option for patients with moderate to severe misalignments. They’re effective, predictable, and have been used for decades to straighten teeth. Although they’re not the most aesthetically pleasing option, patients can choose options that are less noticeable.”


Invisalign is a popular alternative to traditional braces. Instead of brackets and wires, patients wear a series of clear aligners that gradually shift their teeth into the correct position. The aligners are removable and must be worn for 20-22 hours per day. Treatment time varies depending on the complexity of the case, but most patients complete treatment in 12-18 months.

Dr. Nicholas Jones, a Bournemouth orthodontist, says, “Invisalign is a great option for patients who want a more discreet orthodontic treatment. The clear aligners are virtually invisible, so patients can straighten their teeth without anyone knowing. Invisalign is also removable, which makes it easier to eat and brush your teeth.”

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is a cosmetic treatment that can brighten a person’s smile by several shades. There are many options available, from over-the-counter whitening strips to professional treatments performed in a dental office. In-office treatments typically provide the best results, and most patients see a significant improvement in the color of their teeth after just one session.

Dr. Denise Watson, a Bournemouth orthodontist, says, “Teeth whitening is a great way to improve the appearance of your smile without undergoing extensive dental work. It’s important to note that teeth whitening should only be performed by a dental professional, as some over-the-counter products can damage your teeth or gums.”


Veneers are thin, custom-made shells that are bonded to the front surface of a patient’s teeth. They can improve the appearance of chipped, cracked, or discolored teeth, as well as close gaps between teeth. Veneers are a cosmetic treatment, so they don’t address underlying orthodontic issues like misaligned teeth. However, they orthodontist bournemouth can provide a dramatic improvement to a person’s smile.

Dr. Roger Miles, a Bournemouth orthodontist, says, “Veneers are a popular option for patients who want to improve the appearance of their teeth quickly. However, they’re not suitable for everyone, and the procedure can be expensive. It’s important to have a consultation with your orthodontist to determine if veneers are right for you.”

In Conclusion

Achieving a Hollywood smile is more than just a trend – it’s a goal many people share to improve their self-confidence and overall health. Bournemouth orthodontists offer a wide range of treatments to help patients achieve their dental goals, from traditional braces to more modern options like Invisalign. With the help of a skilled orthodontist, anyone can attain the beautiful, healthy smile they desire.